Stiletto Revolution

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Ep 13: Incarcerated Women w/Aminah Elster

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Ep 13: Incarcerated Women Stiletto Revolution

In this episode, Aminah Elster, shares her incredible story of re-entering society after spending 15 years in prison. Join us as we learn from Aminah's transition from domestic violence victim to survivor and now, activist. This episode breaks down the impact of the Prison Industrial Complex on families and communities, from the experience of Black women.

Note From the Stiletto Revolution #13: Remember our incarcerated sisters and provide them with the love and support they need.

Referenced in this episode:

California Coalition for Women Prisoners

AB-1764- Sterilization Compensation Bill

Legal Services for Prisoners with Children

Berkeley Underground Scholars

Sentencing Project

Aminah Elster Biography

Aminah Elster is a UC Berkeley student from the San Francisco Bay Area, working to empower formerly incarcerated people to pursue a higher education. She is the Ambassador Program Coordinator for Underground Scholars Initiative, a student organization on the Berkeley campus, that focuses on recruitment, retention, and advocacy for formerly incarcerated and system impacted individuals, a Haas Public Service Leader working on a project in collaboration with Feather River College and its Incarcerated Student Program in an effort to assist folks exiting prison with the UC application process and personal statement improvements.

Aminah is also the Senior Staff Organizer and Family Unity Project Coordinator for Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, a non profit focused on restoring the human and civil rights of those currently and formerly incarcerated.

Having earned several degrees while in prison, Aminah is committed to the advancement and leadership of formerly incarcerated people.