Ep 7: All About Hair w/Kamika King

Join Dawn as she embarks on a three-part series exploring the role of Black women's hair as a form of social and political resistance to oppression. First up, Dawn talks with Kamika King, Founder and CEO of Makeba Co., an artisan hair care company specializing in products for Black women, and I AM Grooming Co., a beard and skincare company that specializes in products for men of color. The women explore the history of Black hair as a social justice movement, offer critical analysis of commentary made earlier this year by famous Black men attacking Black women's hair, discuss Kamika's personal hair journey and inspiration for creating hair care products, and share hair care tips for naturalistas and women experiencing hair loss.
Note From the Stiletto Revolution #7: You do not need to be ashamed or hide your hair loss because there are solutions to help.
Bio: Kamika King
In 2012, Kamika created InspiredBeauty as a line of natural hair care products for those that wanted greater control over their hair care and who desired natural botanical products. InspiredBeauty was founded on the principle of holistic beauty from the inside out using ingredients from nature to promote healing and rejuvenation. On a quest to grow her own hair back after several bouts with alopecia, Kamika began mixing organic ingredients that would restore my hair and scalp health. InspiredBeauty was the fruition of that quest.
Since then InspiredBeauty has seen much success in helping customers resolve their own hair issues. The company has now begun the quest to continue on its beautiful journey, as MAKEBA. Just as before, MAKEBS believe in using high quality natural organic ingredients designed to promote scalp health, length retention, and moisture balance – healing. Kamjika personally formulates all of her products to ensure they meet these goals and her high healing standards. If at any time she believes a product does not do what it says it will, it will no longer be produced. In other words, although she know that results may vary, she stands by the efficacy of her products.
Follow Kamika on IG and FB: @lovemakeba and @iamgroomingco
Referenced in this episode: